ปีที่ 10 ฉบับที่ 4 เดือน ตุลาคม - ธันวาคม ปี พ.ศ. 2563

ไฟล์ ดาวน์โหลด



Rachel B. Basalong


ชื่อผู้วิจัย   Rachel B. Basalong
ชื่อผู้ส่งวารสารร่วม/ที่ปรึกษา สถานะ


ชื่อบทความ (ภาษาไทย) Alternative Teaching and Learning Delivery Modes in The Schools Division of Benguet, Philippines: A Descriptive Study
ชื่อบทความ (ภาษาอังกฤษ)
บทคัดย่อ ภาษาไทย -
บทคัดย่อ ภาษาอังกฤษ This descriptive research primarily aimed to encapsulate collected school stakeholders’ responses in relation to employing alternative delivery modes of teaching and learning in the Schools Division of Benguet, Philippines. As for the participants of the study, purposive sampling was used. Since the study attempted to involve all primary school stakeholders in the Schools Division of Benguet, all school heads, department heads, and teachers were requested to answer the constructed online survey questionnaire. Besides, learners and parents in the Division were as well encouraged to participate in answering the online survey-questionnaire. The researcher has used mixed method research approach. In analyzing the responses of the participants, frequency count, percentage frequency and thematic content analysis were employed. Findings of the study revealed that the respondents prefer that teaching and learning exist as a product of collaboration between parents and the school institution making blended learning as their most preferred teaching and learning delivery mode. Also, a great number of the respondents in all the districts indicate that they were willing to provide some but not all necessary equipment for the alternative delivery modes of teaching and learning. Finally, concerns of the school stakeholders with reference to alternative teaching and learning delivery modes in the Schools Division of Benguet were encapsulated in four themes tagged as 4Cs namely: a) Connectivity, b) Capability, c) Condition, and d)Constitution. With these, it is then recommended to consider by the Schools Division Office the research results as bases for the institution’s policy framing and Learning Continuity Plan Development.
This descriptive research primarily aimed to encapsulate collected school stakeholders’ responses in relation to employing alternative delivery modes of teaching and learning in the Schools Division of Benguet, Philippines. As for the participants of the study, purposive sampling was used. Since the study attempted to involve all primary school stakeholders in the Schools Division of Benguet, all school heads, department heads, and teachers were requested to answer the constructed online survey questionnaire. Besides, learners and parents in the Division were as well encouraged to participate in answering the online survey-questionnaire. The researcher has used mixed method research approach. In analyzing the responses of the participants, frequency count, percentage frequency and thematic content analysis were employed. Findings of the study revealed that the respondents prefer that teaching and learning exist as a product of collaboration between parents and the school institution making blended learning as their most preferred teaching and learning delivery mode. Also, a great number of the respondents in all the districts indicate that they were willing to provide some but not all necessary equipment for the alternative delivery modes of teaching and learning. Finally, concerns of the school stakeholders with reference to alternative teaching and learning delivery modes in the Schools Division of Benguet were encapsulated in four themes tagged as 4Cs namely: a) Connectivity, b) Capability, c) Condition, and d)Constitution. With these, it is then recommended to consider by the Schools Division Office the research results as bases for the institution’s policy framing and Learning Continuity Plan Development.
Keyword descriptive, mixed method, alternative delivery mode, school stakeholders