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Pitchayut Penmas


ชื่อผู้วิจัย   Pitchayut Penmas
ชื่อผู้ส่งวารสารร่วม/ที่ปรึกษา สถานะ
Jutamanee Trakulmututa2 Pradthana Leekpai3


ชื่อบทความ (ภาษาไทย) Structural Equation Model Development : Human Resource Management and Efficiency of Hotels in Southern of Thailand
ชื่อบทความ (ภาษาอังกฤษ)
บทคัดย่อ ภาษาไทย -
บทคัดย่อ ภาษาอังกฤษ The objectives of this study were to analyze the resource management of hotel employees in southern Thailand and to examine the associated factors by conducting a mixed method study combining qualitative and quantitative approaches. The samples in quantitative data research consisted of 1,201 hotel employees from 45 out of 245 hotels that are members of the Thai Hotels Association - Southern Chapter. Statistical analyses were conducted using mean values, percentages, One-Way ANOVA, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), and qualitative measures associated with quantitative data. The quantitative findings revealed that every dimension of human resource management of hotel employees was rated at a high level ( = 3.82). While human resource recruitment was rated at the highest level ( = 3.91), human resource development was rated relatively lower than other factors of human resource management
( = 3.76). At the provincial level, the top-performing provinces in human resource management are Chumphon Province and Phang Nga Province, where both were rated at the highest level ( = 4.07). On the other hand, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province was rated at the lowest level ( = 3.40). After a few adjustments, the results from the SEM model were shown to be valid. Data points were fitted empirically, yielding a Chi-square index of (X2) = 887.125, df = 123, RMSEA = 0.07 (ranging 0.068 to 0.076 within the 90% Confident Interval), CFI = 0.95, and RMR = 0.02. The model demonstrated human resource management that factors influencing include: organizational commitment (overall influence = 0.80), overall citizenship behavior (overall influence = 0.47), organization justice (overall influence = 0.87), and work efficiency (overall influence = 0.61). Moreover, the qualitative data was well supported by the quantitative data. what’s the results of qualitative.
The objectives of this study were to analyze the resource management of hotel employees in southern Thailand and to examine the associated factors by conducting a mixed method study combining qualitative and quantitative approaches. The samples in quantitative data research consisted of 1,201 hotel employees from 45 out of 245 hotels that are members of the Thai Hotels Association - Southern Chapter. Statistical analyses were conducted using mean values, percentages, One-Way ANOVA, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), and qualitative measures associated with quantitative data. The quantitative findings revealed that every dimension of human resource management of hotel employees was rated at a high level ( = 3.82). While human resource recruitment was rated at the highest level ( = 3.91), human resource development was rated relatively lower than other factors of human resource management ( = 3.76). At the provincial level, the top-performing provinces in human resource management are Chumphon Province and Phang Nga Province, where both were rated at the highest level ( = 4.07). On the other hand, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province was rated at the lowest level ( = 3.40). After a few adjustments, the results from the SEM model were shown to be valid. Data points were fitted empirically, yielding a Chi-square index of (X2) = 887.125, df = 123, RMSEA = 0.07 (ranging 0.068 to 0.076 within the 90% Confident Interval), CFI = 0.95, and RMR = 0.02. The model demonstrated human resource management that factors influencing include: organizational commitment (overall influence = 0.80), overall citizenship behavior (overall influence = 0.47), organization justice (overall influence = 0.87), and work efficiency (overall influence = 0.61). Moreover, the qualitative data was well supported by the quantitative data. what’s the results of qualitative.
Keyword Human resource management, Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Organizational Justice, Efficiency