ปีที่ 9 ฉบับที่ เดือน พฤศจิกายน - ปี พ.ศ. 2562

ไฟล์ ดาวน์โหลด



Wilfred C. Bagsao


ชื่อผู้วิจัย   Wilfred C. Bagsao
ชื่อผู้ส่งวารสารร่วม/ที่ปรึกษา สถานะ


ชื่อบทความ (ภาษาไทย) Early LanguagE Literacy And Numeracy (ELLN) in The Division of Benguet
บทคัดย่อ ภาษาไทย -
คำสำคัญ -
บทคัดย่อ ภาษาอังกฤษ The study aimed to determine the impact of the implementation of Early Language Literacy and Numeracy (ELLN) in the Division of Benguet. The study involved a total of three hundred six K to Grade 3 teachers representing the fourteen school Districts of the Schools Division of Benguet. They were further grouped according to political districts with one hundred nineteen teachers from District 1 and one hundred eighty seven teachers from District II.
The descriptive research design was used with a survey questionnaire as the main data-gathering instrument used. Data were subjected to basic measure of statistics. The t-test for independent sample was used to test the null hypothesis. The findings revealed that ELLN program implementation was very much important with no significant difference from the respondents of the two districts; teachers’ performance on the pedagogical knowledge after the concluded of ELLN program through the concluded SLAC sessions was much improved; confirming the basic assumption; while the performance skills and attitudes after the SLAC session were very much improved, beyond the students basic assumption of moderately improved; the challenges encountered by the teachers as they implement ELLN program were below 75 % except for one, on lack of resources which is above; the strategies suggested by the teachers were approaches within or aligned to the K to Grade 3 stage and it focus on 21st century skills like utilized new technology to enhanced engagement and delivery of literacy and numeracy strategies. It was therefore concluded that both districts improves learners’ performance; learners were more engaged and participative activities, the teachers’ performance on pedagogical knowledge, skills and attitude after the conduct were enhanced, the teaching-learning practices were improved, their daily routine work in teaching and preparing materials needed, teacher organized and creative in preparing instructional materials, teachers became more confident in teaching early grade learners; The challenges encountered by the teachers in the conduct of the ELLN program were managed properly by the teachers; teachers learned teaching strategies such us differentiated instruction, explicit teaching, and development of IMs and notable improvement in teachers’ management of classes due to varying strategies employed.
The study aimed to determine the impact of the implementation of Early Language Literacy and Numeracy (ELLN) in the Division of Benguet. The study involved a total of three hundred six K to Grade 3 teachers representing the fourteen school Districts of the Schools Division of Benguet. They were further grouped according to political districts with one hundred nineteen teachers from District 1 and one hundred eighty seven teachers from District II. The descriptive research design was used with a survey questionnaire as the main data-gathering instrument used. Data were subjected to basic measure of statistics. The t-test for independent sample was used to test the null hypothesis. The findings revealed that ELLN program implementation was very much important with no significant difference from the respondents of the two districts; teachers’ performance on the pedagogical knowledge after the concluded of ELLN program through the concluded SLAC sessions was much improved; confirming the basic assumption; while the performance skills and attitudes after the SLAC session were very much improved, beyond the students basic assumption of moderately improved; the challenges encountered by the teachers as they implement ELLN program were below 75 % except for one, on lack of resources which is above; the strategies suggested by the teachers were approaches within or aligned to the K to Grade 3 stage and it focus on 21st century skills like utilized new technology to enhanced engagement and delivery of literacy and numeracy strategies. It was therefore concluded that both districts improves learners’ performance; learners were more engaged and participative activities, the teachers’ performance on pedagogical knowledge, skills and attitude after the conduct were enhanced, the teaching-learning practices were improved, their daily routine work in teaching and preparing materials needed, teacher organized and creative in preparing instructional materials, teachers became more confident in teaching early grade learners; The challenges encountered by the teachers in the conduct of the ELLN program were managed properly by the teachers; teachers learned teaching strategies such us differentiated instruction, explicit teaching, and development of IMs and notable improvement in teachers’ management of classes due to varying strategies employed.
Keyword importance of program implementation, learners’ development, improvement of teachers’ performance, challenges encountered, strategies.