ปีที่ 13 ฉบับที่ 4 เดือน ตุลาคม - ธันวาคม ปี พ.ศ. 2566

ไฟล์ ดาวน์โหลด



Kularb Purisarn


ชื่อผู้วิจัย   Kularb Purisarn
ชื่อผู้ส่งวารสารร่วม/ที่ปรึกษา สถานะ
Vichien Chiwapimai2


ชื่อบทความ (ภาษาไทย) Education for Sustainable Development: Lesson Learned from Malaysia, Sweden, Romania for Applying in Thailand in the Digital Age
บทคัดย่อ ภาษาไทย -
คำสำคัญ -
บทคัดย่อ ภาษาอังกฤษ The objective of this academic paper is to present the knowledge, experience and perspective on the lesson learned of Education for Sustainable Development from Malaysia, Sweden, and Romania in order to apply for Thai ESD in the digital age by documentary study from the research results. Analyzing and synthesis by content analysis in order to classify the phenomenon how 4 countries has been developed ESD in the digital age. The research found that: 1) The educational policies of Malaysia are geered towards the sustainable development goals, and are reaching the 7 main targets and the 3 supporting targets required by UNESCO, except the expansion of scholarships to developing countries and the participation in quality development of teachers in developing countries; 2) the suggestions for application to implement educational development in Thailand are the strategies for early childhood education and care, the strategies for opportunities to technical, vocational and higher education, and the strategies for improvement of youth and adult literacy. 2) Lesson learned from Sweden for Thailand can be applied concludes as followings: the effectiveness of ESD has produced valuable new insights. The results establish that ESD has potential to be effective, and show that there is no simple fix-it-all solution and that education practice need to be attuned specifically to the target group and the key role that ESD in addressing SD and securing a sustainable future for the next generations to come. 3) Lesson learned from Romania new training schemas and training programs will be very helpful for those who have the responsibility to develop skills, change attitudes and form characters. Teachers of the future (actual students) must understand the simplicity and complexity of sustainability. "Education is the most effective means that society possesses for confronting the challenges of the future". Indeed, education will shape the world of tomorrow. Progress increasingly depends upon the products of educated minds: upon research, invention, innovation and adaptation.
The objective of this academic paper is to present the knowledge, experience and perspective on the lesson learned of Education for Sustainable Development from Malaysia, Sweden, and Romania in order to apply for Thai ESD in the digital age by documentary study from the research results. Analyzing and synthesis by content analysis in order to classify the phenomenon how 4 countries has been developed ESD in the digital age. The research found that: 1) The educational policies of Malaysia are geered towards the sustainable development goals, and are reaching the 7 main targets and the 3 supporting targets required by UNESCO, except the expansion of scholarships to developing countries and the participation in quality development of teachers in developing countries; 2) the suggestions for application to implement educational development in Thailand are the strategies for early childhood education and care, the strategies for opportunities to technical, vocational and higher education, and the strategies for improvement of youth and adult literacy. 2) Lesson learned from Sweden for Thailand can be applied concludes as followings: the effectiveness of ESD has produced valuable new insights. The results establish that ESD has potential to be effective, and show that there is no simple fix-it-all solution and that education practice need to be attuned specifically to the target group and the key role that ESD in addressing SD and securing a sustainable future for the next generations to come. 3) Lesson learned from Romania new training schemas and training programs will be very helpful for those who have the responsibility to develop skills, change attitudes and form characters. Teachers of the future (actual students) must understand the simplicity and complexity of sustainability. "Education is the most effective means that society possesses for confronting the challenges of the future". Indeed, education will shape the world of tomorrow. Progress increasingly depends upon the products of educated minds: upon research, invention, innovation and adaptation.
Keyword Education for sustainable development; digital age